
I’m not sure if this flow chart came straight from Steven Seagal himself or not, but it looks pretty accurate.  (I actually found it here on a place that is quickly becoming my favorite website.)

Then again this whole thing seems a little overly complex. Cause to my semi-literate eye, it looks like Steven Seagal (who is definitely in the “must refer to him with two names” category of celebrities/prophets) will just appear in any movie with the word “justice” in the title.

And you know what that means?

You guessed it: great news for all of us eagerly awaiting the Arrested Development silver screen spin-off “Justice & Me,” in which Steven Seagal plays the Turner from Turner & Hooch role alongside Maggie Lizer’s fake helper dog. Sure, on the surface, it’s just your run-of-the-mill action buddy-cop movie where one of the buddies is a dog.

But this is one summer blockbuster that will tug at your heart-strings — with iron fists. Iron fists of justice And pain. Justice pain.

how steven segal makes a movie