Daniels follows Precious with another look at racial and cultural injustice, but this film is mired in its too-wide collection of themes.



As the latest addition to the “white altruist” genre of cinema, The Help is most effective in its deviation from how it is portrayed through its trailer. This is not to say that the film is a failure or falls short of any expectations. Rather, it exceeds them. However, previews depict it as another incarnation of a film […]




The 2010 Oscar Winners

I was making my way back home from Boston earlier tonight and — per usual — got stuck in some traffic in the not-so-great state of Connecticut. So I ended up missing most of the Oscar show. But apparently they just went ahead and gave out the awards without me. Cool friends, guys. You likely already know […]




Oscar Predictions 2010

The 82nd Academy Awards are tonight, and the best, brightest and beautiful of Hollywood will gather yet again to honor the year that was in cinema. Below are my predictions for who will win the hardware tonight. Fill out your Oscar pools carefully. (And as a reminder, here is a full list of the nominees in all […]



The other night, I watched Fight Club and the haiku scene spoke to me: First off, it emphasizes the mundane routines that most of us trudge through each day, but more poignantly, seventeen syllables really sum up the theme of the movie.  That said, I figured I’d go through this year’s Best Picture nominees and see if I could […]



  Typically, obesity, illiteracy, rape, child abuse, pedophilia, and incest that results in two children for a sixteen year old girl wouldn’t even warrant a viewing and would be automatically categorized as poverty-porn designed to hyperbolically inflict guilt on the white majority in a liberal-capitalist society—see Crash. However, Precious conveys this glut of disturbing elements without diving […]