This week, Disney launches another tentpole film, Elizabeth Olsen gives audiences eighty-eight minutes of tension, a couple of white folks put salmon in an unusual place, a couple of professors exchange identities, and Eddie Murphy tries his hand with teenagers in his most recent, not-funny role. John Carter: Andrew Stanton, director of Wall-E and Finding Nemo, makes […]



2011 came to and end, and now it’s time to recap those things we saw, those things we enjoyed, and those things we abhorred. In the next few weeks, there will plenty of dicussions and conjecture about what will win, who will win what, and who should have been given a chance to win something, but before […]



The buzz around Martha Marcy May Marlene was initially kindled by the emergence of an Olsen sister who isn’t a twin; however, the first few moments of the film erase this potential novelty, entrapping the viewer in a film that is much less a cult film and more a film about a cult. To cut to the […]