The power of disasters and the potential of an apocalypse fascinate movie goers, usually during times of strife or near the end of a decade.  In the eighties, forty-six movies were released that focused on the dissolution of society as we know it, and most dealt with the threat or the consequence of nuclear war – alluding […]



As if the unoriginality of Hollywood needed further attesting to, they have decided to reboot the Spiderman franchise as well as—wait for it—Daredevil.  Yes. Daredevil.  For those of you who can’t, or choose not to remember, Daredevil was anchored by Ben Affleck, who might possibly be the worst person to cast in the role of superhero.  I […]



As if the unoriginality of Hollywood needed further attesting to, they have decided to reboot theSpiderman franchise as well as—wait for it—Daredevil.  Yes. Daredevil.  For those of you who can’t, or choose not to remember, Daredevil was anchored by Ben Affleck, who might possibly be the worst person to cast in the role of superhero.  I don’t dislike Ben Affleck (the devil […]



There were a few problems with this for sure, but I enjoyed it. For full disclosure’s sake, I am certainly a little more interested in the newspaper industry than the average bear, but I imagine most people will like it cause it is pretty well done. Russell Crowe, in particular, was excellent as the lead character (a […]