Despite the normal mediocrity of the Oscars, the nomination announcements on January 24th might add some intrigue to the oft-banal spectacle. The ultimate question will be whether or not Andy Serkis will receive a Best Supporting Actor nomination for his turn as Caeser in Rise of the Planet of the Apes. According to a report in last […]




The 2010 Oscar Winners

I was making my way back home from Boston earlier tonight and — per usual — got stuck in some traffic in the not-so-great state of Connecticut. So I ended up missing most of the Oscar show. But apparently they just went ahead and gave out the awards without me. Cool friends, guys. You likely already know […]




Oscar Predictions 2010

The 82nd Academy Awards are tonight, and the best, brightest and beautiful of Hollywood will gather yet again to honor the year that was in cinema. Below are my predictions for who will win the hardware tonight. Fill out your Oscar pools carefully. (And as a reminder, here is a full list of the nominees in all […]




Date Night: Avatar

[Editor’s Note: Please welcome Tim Adkins to the Gladiator Movies team. You will hopefully be seeing more from him around these parts going forward and can catch more of his writing over at Backwards from 30.] On Monday, an hour after word first began circulating that Kobe Bryant may end his two-week injury-cation from the Los Angeles […]



The other night, I watched Fight Club and the haiku scene spoke to me: First off, it emphasizes the mundane routines that most of us trudge through each day, but more poignantly, seventeen syllables really sum up the theme of the movie.  That said, I figured I’d go through this year’s Best Picture nominees and see if I could […]



  Possibly the most beautiful movie I have ever seen, Avatar is visually stunning and a revolution of filmmaking.  The 3-D technology that director James Cameron employs is flawless, but the greatest feat that Cameron has pulled off is eradicating the line between humans and their animated counterparts.  In recent years, Pixar has released some of the […]