It’s not often that animated films make it to Gladiators, but Rango gave me reason to pause. It’s not genius, and it’s not really unique: the overall theme centers on the quest for an identity, something that is often a dime-a-dozen in animated and live-action features alike. The computer animation is flawless, and the voice talents are […]



Set in 1961 England, An Education examines the limited options for a young woman, offering either the academic route that would lead to a life of education and a professorial profession, or the wife of a husband who offers security.  We fine Jenny Mellor caught in this binary as she is too bright for a 16 year […]



As if the unoriginality of Hollywood needed further attesting to, they have decided to reboot the Spiderman franchise as well as—wait for it—Daredevil.  Yes. Daredevil.  For those of you who can’t, or choose not to remember, Daredevil was anchored by Ben Affleck, who might possibly be the worst person to cast in the role of superhero.  I […]