Are you ready for another remake? I suppose the real question is whether or not we have a choice. Regardless, Total Recall gets a PG-13 face lift this weekend, so don’t count on catching a flash of the three-breasted alien from Paul Verhoeven’s solid first take on this story. You might also want to prepare for two hours […]



The Watch: Tower Heist has made me wary of Ben Stiller movies, but the recent New Yorker article about his attention to script detail and his desire to make more movies like Greenberg and The Cable Guy make me want to see this. Sure, it’s another alien-invasion film, but at least it wasn’t released during the Great […]



I’ll assume other movies are opening this weekend, but none of them will be watched. We should probably also mourn the fates of any film opening in the next three weeks as well, which means The Watch and Killer Joe are probably destined to small-screen releases for quite a while. The Dark Knight Rises opens this weekend, […]



As we count down the weeks until The Dark Knight Rises and get our superhero fix through webslinging teenagers, we might as well embrace a documentary about a potential interloper, Robert DeNiro’s turn as a world famous psychic bound to be kin to the devil, the fourth installment of a mediocre animated franchise, and Martin Scorsese’s presentation of […]