Jiro makes sushi. He’s a bad man. But is he bad meaning bad? Or bad meaning good?



Characteristically Pixar, Wall E lures us in with endearing characters, but traps us in a web of irony and self-reflection.



Last weekend was ruled by The Avengers, and it’s probably a good bet that most production companies assumed this would be the case. I’m sure that Dark Shadows will draw a decent crowd, but it would be safe to bet on Marvel’s superhero cavalcade to continue conquering the box office. Dark Shadows: The love affair between Johnny […]



It is difficult to say anything about Steve Jobs that has not already been said. Unless, perhaps, you are Steve Jobs. And you are talking to us from 1995. That’s the unintended premise of Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview, which screened this week in select theaters around the country. The story of the project goes like this: […]