Just in case you haven’t read enough critiques of Tarantino’s seventh film. Here’s one more.



On the heels of Django Unchained, we take a look at Tarantino’s best characters.



Violence, exploitation, cultural commentary: vintage Tarantino.



The fifth film promises to dumb down the story and remind us of how awesome McClane was twenty years ago.



This weekend brings us the latest installment in the two-hour-commercial genre, a bunch of people popping out progeny, an exploration of men and their grooming habits throughout the years, and Sam Jackson kicking ass — this time without the aid of a raging green monster or an iron-clad playboy / philanthropist. Battleship: I understand the logic of […]



In an earlier post, I tackled the connection between Steve Rogers’ transformation into Captain America as a government sponsored PED initiative, and while I still stand by that assertion – and the way in which America’s sponsorship of PED use to “escort Adolf Hitler to the gates of Hell theoretically absolves them of blame because it’s for “the […]



Every once in a while, there is a film from which nothing is expected but its ability to kill two hours, yet surprises with a solid plot and decent performances. The other day, that film was Black Snake Moan. There are a few reasons why I hadn’t seen this when it was released in 2007. One was […]



It’s a simple equation. Also, Marsellus Wallace finds your lack of faith disturbing, Brett. (via Samblr)



The Frogman remixes a handful of famous movie quotes as if they were said by a proper Englishman. These are my favorite three. Head over there for another dozen or so. “Does Marsellus Wallace match the appearance of a female canine? Then why is it, good sir, that you are attempting to have coital relations with him, […]